X International Film Festival
in Olsztyn „Prison Movie"
11-13.10.2022 r.




Statuetki Dobrego Łotra otrzymali:


Professional production


Amateur production
MARTA PIETRZYK Pasja wolności

Award for Rehabilitative Qualities

MARCIN MIKITA Miód wielokratowy

Alternatywne Spojrzenie


Special Awards

THOMAS A MORGAN Waiting for Mamu

Special Awards


Special Awards




Films submitted to the “Prison Movie” Festival in 2022

The descriptions of the films are taken from the Entry Cards

Film title

Production year: 2016
Film duration: 4:49
Type of film: documentary
Screeplay: Tomasz Wiśniewski
Direction: Tomasz Wiśniewski
Music: Beate Schutzman Krebs

Description of film:
From the author: In the photo album of a German soldier from the period of the German occupation, I came across a photo of the prison in Nowy Sqcz.

Film title

Production year: 2017
Film duration: 18:41
Type of film: film dokumentalny
Screeplay: Tomasz Wiśniewski
Direction: Tomasz Wiśniewski

Description of film:
Once students, today adults who visited the prison where they were held during the martial law period.

Film title

Production year:  2017
Film duration: 10:20
Direction: Marcin Pawlukiewicz
Screeplay: mjr Andrzej Bujkowski Kierownik Działu Terapeutycznego
Cinamtography: Marcin Pawlukiewicz
Music: Galimadjaz Trio

Description of film:
Therapy for addicts in the Remand Prison in Suwalki. With the voices of the therapists and their charges, the film describes the everyday life of the therapeutic ward and the struggle with the disease of people addicted to alcohol, intoxicants and psychotropic substances, staying in penitentiary isolation.

Film title

Production year: 2021
Film duration: 7:15
Direction: Jola Wiszniewska / Jacek Suwor Screeplay: Jola Wiszniewska
Cinamtography: Jacek Suwor
Music: Joanna Kondrat
Realizacja: Centrum Edukacji i Inicjatyw Kulturalnych w Olsztynie

Opis filmu:
Terapia dla osób uzależnionych w Areszcie Śledczym w Suwałkach. Głosami terapeutów oraz ich podopiecznych film opisuje codzienne życie oddziału terapeutycznego oraz zmagania z chorobą osób, uzależnionych od alkoholu oraz środków odurzających i substancji psychotropowych, przebywających w izolacji penitencjarnej.

Film title

Production year: 2016
Film duration: 13:42
Type of film: reportage
Direction: Bożena Olechnowicz
Screeplay: Bożena Olechnowicz
Cinamtography: Jarosław Gula
Music: Jazz improvisations composer and performance by Leszek Mozdzer time: 5:36
Realization: Oddział TVP S.A. w Gdańsku

Description of film:
Report from the action “The Blue Scarf”, which was part of the International Campaign against Gender Violence. The action was organized by the Center for Education and Cultural Initiatives in Olsztyn in December 2021. Knitted by several dozen people, blue scarves were a symbol of the fight against domestic violence. The campaign ended with the silent “Blue Concert Against Violence” organized by Joanna Kondrat with her band It took place on December 10, 2021 at the Awangarda 2 Studio Cinema.

Film title

Production year: 2021
Film duration: 08:31
Direction: Eugeniusz Gordziejuk
Screeplay: Eugeniusz Gordziejuk
Cinamtography: Tomasz Kaźmierczak
Music: Robert Morawski
Production: EgoFILM Ewelina Gordziejuk

Description of film:
”About friendship” is a film story about ,eflections on the interpersonal ndationships imprisoned in the camp in Koszalin. What is friendship, what does it matter, how it is understood by our heroes and whether friendship is important – we will learn about all this from the film. Inmates in prison answer these simple at first glance but important questions.

History of film:
The film participated in many screenings, including the screening during the European Integration Festival Thu and Me – where it was received very warmly and with great interest.

Film title

Production year: 2021
Film duration: 20:00
Direction: Piotr Bieliński
Screeplay: Piotr Bieliński
Cinamtography: Marek Kita, Jan Barszczewski
Realization: Dziekan Szkoły Filmowej im. Krzysztofa Kieślowskiego Uniwersytetu Śląskiego dr hab. Krystyna Doktorowicz, prof. UŚ

Description of film:
Batory is a boy in a girl’s body. We meet him when he is serving a prison sentence at the Warszawa Grochow Detention Center for frequent travel on a city train without a ticket and hitting his ex-girlfriend’s boyfriend Batory shows us around his world – a world made of bars and closed rooms.

History of film:
40. Koszalin Film Debuts Festival YOUTH AND FILM, Koszalin, 2021 – participation in the competition, 19. Tirana International Film Festival, Tirana, Albania, 2021 – screening.

Film title

Production year: 2019
Film duration: 1:12:00
Direction: Ludovica Ando and Emiliano Aiello Screeplay: Ludovica Ando, Emiliano Aiello with the participation of the prisoners actors
Cinamtography: Stefano Tria
Music: Andrea Pandolfo
Producer: Emiliano Aiello

Description of film:
Entirely filmed inside Civitavecchia prison, being the prisoners both protagonists and co-authors Fortezza is the reinterpretation of one of the most important novel of the XX century: ,, The Tartar Steppe” written by Dino Buzzati. Three soldiers arrive at a solitary military garrison which no longer serves any defensive function. Here time is at a standstill and is marked by stric regulations, power dynamics, engrained idleness and habits. Waitnig in vain for an enemy that will not arrive, military officers are consumed by, on the one hand the need to give thair stay a meaning, and one the other hand, the need to resist the attraction this place holds on them.

History of film:
Festa del Cinema di Roma 2019; International Film Festival Rotterdam 2020; International Film Festival Shangai 2020; FICLO – International Film and Literature Festival Olhao 2020; Bogocine 2021; Novos Cinemas – Festival Internacional de Cinema de Pontovedra 2020; Punelnternational Film Festival; Fibrifest Bremen; NICE – New Italian Cinema Evants; NICE Russia; Cinema Made in Italy -Athens; Laceno d’Oro; Valdarno Cinema Film Festival; Festival International de Cine Austral; MATIFF – Matera Art. International Film Festival (special mention); Fluvione Film Festival (best first feauture film).

Film title

Production year: 2013
Film duration: 40:00
Type of film: documentary shor
Direction: Thomas A Morgan
Screeplay: NA
Cinamtography: Dan Chen
Music: Alex Seaver

Description of film:
In some parts of the world, children whose parents are sent to prison and who lack other guardians are locked awcy along with their parents. This eye-opening documentary tells the story of what it means for a child to grow up in prison and what hope exists for a better life. ,, Waiting for Mamu” follows internationally -lauded social worker and 2012 CNN Hero of the Year award-winner Pushpa Basnet, founder  of a development center for children who would otherwise grow up behind bars in her native Nepal. 

History of film:
Has won 20 festivals world wide. Pushpa won the CNN Hero of the year in 2012 and Super Hero of the decade in 2015. There is a sequal coming in 2023. Audience Award Winner for Best Shorl Documentary at 2013. Traverse City Film Festival Director’s Choice Best Humanitarian Film (documentary) at 2014 Sedona International Film Festival, Audience Award Winner for Best Documentary Shorl at 2014 Sedona International Film Festival, Jury Award Best Documentary at 2014 San Diego Film Festival, Audience Award Best Documentary at 2014 San Diego Film Festival, Official Selection Sarasota Film Festival 2014.

Film title

Production year: 2016
Film duration: 15:53
Type of film: Dokument
Direction: Izabela Szukalska
Screeplay: Izabela Szukalska
Cinamtography: Sławek Chudowski
Music: Krzysztof Skrzypczak
Producer: TVP 3 Katowice

Description of film:
Can poetry serve a man behind the walls of a prison? The protagonist of the report is Wojciech Brzoska, a titled poet and at the same time the captain of the Prison Service, who works in the Detention Center in Katowice.

History of film:
2017 – nomination in the National Melchiora Reportage Competition – inspiration of the Year.
2017 – distinction at the Polish Festival of the Art of Fakt.

Film title

Production year: 2020
Film duration: 29:00
Type of film: Reportaż
Direction: Karol Górski
Screeplay: Karol Górski
Cinamtography: Karol Górski
Music: Karol Górski

Description of film:
“Inmates in Freedom” – is the story of former inmate Sylwek, who a year earlier left the penitentiary after a long sentence. It is a story of a unique transformation, a clash with a new reality and people who help those excluded from society. The project was created as part of the scholarship program of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage -“Culture on the Web”.

Film title

Production year: 2002
Film duration: 22:34
Direction: Chad Wesley Smathers
Screeplay: Chad Wesley Smathers
Cinamtography: Brenton Oechsle
Production sound: Joseph Vnuck
Executive producer: Nick Vujicic
Producers: Chad Wesley Smathers, Jay Harvey

Description of film:
A true story about a man who found purpose in his prison experience. A Life Without Limbs production, in association with Empyrean Entertainment. Written, produced, directed, and edited by Chad Wesley Smathers. Luther Collie was arrested in 2002, and as of the publication of this video has been behind bars for 20 years. In 2015 he started his own ministry called the “More Change Project,” in which he conducts conferences with fellow inmates. He now works as a trustee for state law enforcement helping them maintain order. Luther Collie will leave prison in 2024.

Film title

Production year: 2020
Film duration: 01:03:40
Type of film: Dokument
Direction: Amalia De Simone
Screeplay: Amalia De Simone
Cinamtography: Amalia De Simone, Simona Petricciuolo
Music: Assia Fiorillo

Description of film:
,, Caine” is the story of some women in prison. The documentary was broadcast in the late evening by Rai3 on Friday 3 of July for ,,Doc 3 – Iicinema del reale “. The author of the documentary is Amalia De Simone Investigative journalist (nominated Cavaliere al. Merito della Repubblica by President Sergio Mattarella for contributing with her work to the fight against the mafia) and exciting Singer songwriter. The documentary was shot following for journalistic point of view of the author and director Amalia De Simone who knew many of the inmates’s stories from having convered the related crime news from time to time. Amalia De Simone and Assia Fiorillo for months attended the female prisons of Fuomi Salamo and Pozzuci, and proposed an experiment: sharing stories and hours of prison and the construction of a song written by manyhands that becomes the authentic story of a contoversial and passionate city, Napoli.

The telling of the individual life of the prisoners alternated with everyday scenos of the prison, opens up to the story of a territory, its problems, its beauty and its curse. The street, that gray area of some neighborhoods, the ineluctability of certain destinies, criminal life, repentance, motherhood, example (for better or for worse), love and distance, anger, redemption, homosexuality, prison and human rights, loneliness, melancholy, opportunities and the absence of opportunities, descent into hell or resurrection: these are some of the themes that emerge in this journey that has music as a guideline and a cathartic moment.

History of film:
The documentary was broadcast in the late evening by Rai3 on Friday 3 of July for ,,Doc 3 -II cinema del reale “. Awards: Human Rights Festival -Napoli Cortodino Festival Presentations (Italy): Brescia -Fili Da Riannodare, International Journalism Festival Perugia, Sorrento-Fondazione Sorrento, Rovigo – Amnesty International, Norcia- Estate Nursina, Meta Di Sorrento.

Film title

Production year: 2021
Film duration: 15:00
Screeplay: Gabriella lndolfi
Cinamtography: Giulio Maroncelli
Music: Mario Donpero Perrone

A short film with the detained actors of Velletri Prison (RM) – “Scenari Futuri” Project 2021, with support from Regione Lazio. Director: Giulio Maroncelli, Coach of actors: Chiara Cavalieri. Produced by Fort Apache Cinema Teatro, with support from Regione Lazio, in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice – Department of Correctional Facilities Administration – CasaCasa Circondariale di Velletri, Garante dei diritti delle.

Description of film:
A group of men have lived for a long time inside a submarine, in a post-war and post-apocalyptic scenario in which they have lost memories and their relationship with the terrestrial world Through metal nets that they throw into the water, these survivors collect scraps, semi-destroyed objects of the land, they don’t recognize them, the names and fanctions, but they jealously keep them in the submarine’s warehouse, catalogued by shape, colour and characteristics. They document everything in a great secular book, in the
hope that one day through associations and assemblages, they will be able to remember. ”Buio” is a journey into the darkness of the abyss between the black holes of the memory and the desire for a future, in search of salvation.

History of film:
Selected in September 2021 in the III Edition of the “LiberAzioni” Festival of Torino 2021 (Italy), Buio obtains the Special Mention ,,Cinema Giovani”. In October 2021 Buio is included in the streaming program of the first edition of “Granice / Borders – European Festival of Theater in Prison” (Breslavia – Polonia). The same year in November it is selected and screened in the “Voices from the Prison”, a section of the MedFilm Festival – XXVII Edition, in Rome. At the same time the shortfilm is selected and screened at the Palladium Theater in
Rome as part of the National Review of Theatre in Prison ,,Destini ncrociati” , organized by the Coordinamento Nazionale Teatro in Carcere (the main italian coordination of theatre in prison).

Film title
TUTTO IL MON DO FUORI (Cały świat na zewnątrz)

Production year: 2021
Film duration: 1:16:00
Type of film: dokument
Direction: Ignazio Oliva
Screeplay: Ignazio Oliva
Cinamtography: Ducio Cimatti

Film title

Dyskusyjne Kluby Książki
Production year: 2017
Type of film: 47:15
Rodzaj filmu: dokument 
Direction: Marta Węgiel
Screeplay: Marta Węgiel
Cinamtography: Jeremi Grzywa, Roman Piotrowski
Producent: Oddział TVP SA w Krakowie

Tytuł filmu

Production year: 2021
Czas: 23:00
Film duration: fiction documentary
Direction: Kinga Wasilewska
Screeplay: Kinga Wasilewska
Cinamtography: Adam Kossakowski, Maciej Dmowski
Music: Baza muzyczna „Paris Music”
Realization: Telewizja Polska S.A. w Warszawie,
Oddział w Bydgoszczy

Description of film:
They are mothers, daughters, wives and sisters. They have committed some of the gravest crimes and are now doing penance for their guilt. In the program, we meet convicts serving long sentences for killing a man. How are they coping behind the high wall? Do they regret today what they did? Thanks to the officers working at the Prison in Grudziadz, we learn about the specifics of the closed ward where the most dangerous criminals live.

Film title
WIERSZ JEST DROGĄ – Wojciech Brzoska.

Drugi koniec wszystkiego.
Production year: 2017
Film duration: 12:00
Type of film: documentary impression
Direction: Dagmara Drzazga
Screeplay: Dagmara Drzazga
Cinamtography: Witold Kornaś
Music: Wykorzystano utwory zespołu „Brzoska i Gawroński” oraz fragment teledysku „Wakacje” reż. M i D Proba
Realization: TELEWIZJA POLSKA S.A., Oddział Terenowy w Katowicach

Description of film:
”A poem is a road” is a series of film impressions devoted to contemporary Silesian poets. The protagonist of one of the episodes is Wojciech Brzoska, author of several poetry volumes, vocalist, co-founder of the band ”Brzoska and Gawronski.” Since 2002, Brzoska has worked at the detention center in Katowice. He is the organizer of many artistic events forinmates.

History of film:
The series ”A Poem is a Road” received awards at the Association of Polish Journalists competition, as well as the Review and Competition of TVP SA. Branches.

Film title

Production year: 2022
Film duration: 50:00
Type of film: dokument
Direction: Tadeusz Chudy
Screeplay: Bartosz Łuniewski
Cinamtography: Tadeusz Chudy
Film editing: Krzysztof Nowak, Tadeusz Chudy
Production: Rafał Sakowski

Description of film:
In a world where it is forbidden to show feelings, the captain of the prison service runs a course in caring for stray dogs. Rafal, a tough prisoner with a long sentence, works with his charge Odim, with whom to communicate he must learn the language of emotions. ” When the course ends the monotony of prison bars will remain. Will this unique encounter between man and dog awaken something in Rafal. Can an animal in the world of bars breathe life into the dead souls of inmates ? Has Captain Tomek found a path to rehabilitation and service in the prison guard will endow him with fulfillment ?

Film title

Production year: 2015
Film duration: 1:09:00
Type of film: psychological drama
Direction: Kamil Szymański
Screeplay: Kamil Szymański
Music: Jacek Mazurkiewicz
Producer: MAD HORSE Agencja filmowo-reklamowa

Description of film:
The leader (troublemaker) of the prison in Łęczyca is murdered. The investigative journalist who spoke to him the week before decides to find out the truth.


Film title

Production year: 2021
Film duration: 47:23
Type of film: dokument
Direction: Michał Zerka
Screeplay: Michał Zerka
Music: baza Artlist:io

Description of film:
The world around us, unique and touching with history, can often be invisible, when in pursuit of nothing we often forget about the most important – LOVE! Each person is a separate story, a film can be created about each person, we are all extraordinary carriers of feelings and emotions, stories that create us. I decided to use these feelings as a tool to show how I perceive the world every day and how I experience it with my own eyes. My name is Michal Zerka, so far I have dealt mainly with music, but for a long time the thought of making films about people was born in my head.

Film title

Production year: 2021
Film duration: 07:55
Type of film: Film promocyjny
Direction: st. szer. Kamil Tyburski
Screeplay: st. szer. Kamil Tyburski
Music: st. szer. Kamil Tyburski

Description of film:
The film shows the work of dogs in the Prison.

Film title
SKAZANY – Historia Więźnia i Jego Matki

Production year: 2022
Time duration: 25:18
Direction: Michał Zerka
Screeplay: Michał Zerka
Music: baza Artlist.io

Description of film:
The world around us, unique and touching with history, can often be invisible, when in pursuit of nothing we often forget about the most important – LOVE! Each person is a separate story, a film can be created about each person, we are all extraordinary carriers of feelings and emotions, stories that create us. I decided to use these feelings as a tool to show how I perceive the world every day and how I experience it with my own eyes. My name is Michal Zerka, so far I have dealt mainly with music, but for a long time the thought of making films about people was born in my head. 

Film title

Production year: 2022
Film duration: 10:00
Type of film: documentary
Direction: Maciej Lehrfeld
Screeplay: Maciej Lehrfeld
Cinamtography: Maciej Lehrfeld

Description of film:
A video showing the passion of an SW officer: love for animals by Capt. Anna Gqsowska, head of the therapeutic department at the Tarnów Penitentiary.

Film title
PIES SŁUŻBOWY – wersja dla najmłodszych

Production year: 2021
Film duration: 04:34
Type of film: documentary short
Direction: st. szer. Kamil Tyburski
Screeplay: st. szer. Kamil Tyburski
Music: st. szer. Kamil Tyburski

Description of film:
What does a special dog do? How do we handle dogs? Wersion for the youngest. The film was made on the occasion of Children’s Day.

Film title

Production year: 2022
Film duration: 19:45
Direction: Krzysztof Kuczyński
Screeplay: Krzysztof Kuczyński
Cinamtography: Krzysztof Kuczyński, Hubert Skrzyński Muzyka: wykorzystano fragmenty utworów:
Psycho Killer: wyk. Talking Heads, Autobiografia – wyk. Perfect, Original Soundtrack Theme z filmu Terminator 2, Requiem for a dream. Pozostałe utwory muzyczne z zasobów Audio Jungle.
Special effects, sound and synchronization:
Krzysztof Kuczyński
Realization: Krzysztof Kuczyński syn Adama

Description of film:
The inspiration for this film was the demolition of Przedsębiorstwo Obróbki Metali No. 3 at the Correctional Facility in Płock In the first version, only a stop-motion animation was to be created from the demolition of POMET it self. However, I found that the demolition itself was not enough, so I covered everything with “a story out of this world”, which made a para-reportage with a pinch of salt, sprinkled with a hint of fantasy.

Film title

Production year: 2022
Film duration: 01:20
Type of film: film szkoleniowy/ terapeutyczny;
Direction: Dawid Gawłowski, Michał Paczkowski
Screeplay: Dawid Gawłowski, Michał Paczkowski
Cinamtography: Dawid Gawłowski, Michał Paczkowski
Producent: Wychowawca ds. KO w Zakładzie Karnym we Włocławku

Description of film:
The effects of drugs and legal highs.

Film title

Production year: 2020
Film duration: 09:1 1
Direction: Paweł Szajner
Screeplay: Eugeniusz Gordziejuk
Cinamtography: Paweł Szajner
Music: Robert Morawski

Description of film:
A touching poetic story about memories related to the most important person in the lives of inmates. The film, made in difficult conditions – during the COVID-19 pandemic, tells about the personal feelings associated with the word “Mother” from the perspective of the film’s protagonists living in the prison. And its additional values worth mentioning are the photos taken by the tutors of ZK in Koszalin, as well as the developed and made musical setting. (Non-professionals).

History of film:
The film participated in many screenings, including the screening during the European Integration Festival You and Me – where it enjoyed great popularity and was very well received by viewers.

Film title

Production year: 2021
Film duration: 34:39
Type of film: Fire safety training video
Direction: Artur Kloza, Grzegorz Olczak, Adam Fijałkowski
Screeplay: Artur Kloza, Grzegorz Olczak
Zdjęcia: Ze względu na charakter edukacyjny, w filmie wykorzystano różne materiały dotyczące zagadnień Służby Więziennej oraz z tematyki ochrony przeciwpożarowej pochodzące ze służbowych bibliotek oraz z ogólnodostępnych źródeł.
Music: The video uses resources licensed from Envato Elements.

Description of film:
The film depicts real-life events that took place in penitentiary units. It was created for the training of newly hired officers, but also for position instruction for every unifonned and civilian working in the prison. The film shows how we are to act in emergency situations and that each of us is obliged to preventive measures. It clearly indicates the division of competencies and dependencies of the occupants of each position with regard to the implementation of fire fighting tasks. 

Film history:
As of June 2021, on the recommendation of the Director General of the General of the Prison Service, the film is an additional and complementary source of fire fighting knowledge in all organizational units of the fonnation.
Anna Łupinska Forum Slużby Więziennej Grudzień 2021

Film title

Production year: 2022
Film duration: 08:26
Type of film: reportaż (reportage)
Direction: Grzegorz Czerwicki
Screeplay: Grzegorz Czerwicki
Cinamtography: Grzegorz Czerwicki
Music: zasoby Envato Elements

Description of film:
Report by Gregory Czerwicki recounting his meetings in prison inmates.

Film title

Production year: 2022
Film duration: 03:22
Type of film: reportage/ video clip
Direction: Andrzej Koryśko, Janusz Buśko
Screeplay: Andrzej Koryśko
Cinamtography: Janusz Buśko – realizacja studio „Janusz Lekkiego Terenu”
Music: Zespół więzienny Alien Band

Description of film:
The text for the song was born out of longing and hope for another better life, a free world where the author has been gone for more than 20 years. During this time, the author of the text has forgotten many familiar places from his youth when he was a free man. In the second context, the inspiration for writing the piece was the fact that freedom is not given once and for all in every sense. The film has not been presented in other reviews and festivals. Music (song “Freedom”) for the film played and recorded at the Kaminsk Prison. Cinematography for the film shot at Kaminsk Prison. The above recordings took place as part of the readaptation program “Discover the world with music” carried out at Kaminsk Prison.

Film title

Production year: 2022
Film duration: 28:00
Type of film: A video promoting service in the Prison Service
Direction: Maciej Lehrfeld
Scenariusz: Zespół Prasowy Zakładu Karnego w Tarnowie
Cinamtography: Maciej Lehrfeld

Description of film:
A film prepared by officers of the Penitentiary Institution in Tarnow aimed at promoting the Prison Service, presenting all divisions in the Service and the specifics of the Penitentiary Institution in Tarnow.

Film title

Production year: 2022
Film duration: 23:00
Type of film: documentary
Scenariusz i reżyseria: Dawid Tychoń, Patryk Kosior, Krzysztof Żybura
Cinamtography: Krzysztof Żybura
Music: Krzysztof Żybura

Description of film:
The film depicts two convicts serving prison sentences in two different systems. The film was made in June 2022 at the Penitentiary Institution in Wolow. 
Producer: Wołów Penitentiary Facility Supervisor: Lt. lwona Bawolska

Film title

Production year: 2022
Film duration: 22:57
Type of film: documentary/ fairy tale
Direction: Cezary Dec, Iwona Bawolska, Krzysztof Czerniejewski
Screeplay: Cezary Dec
Cinamtography: Cezary Dec

Description of film:
The film depicts two convicts serving prison sentences in two different systems. The film was made in June 2022 at the Penitentiary Institution in Wolow.
Producer: Wołów Penitentiary Facility Supervisor: Lt. Iwona Bawolska.

Film title

Production year: 2022
Film duration: 15:36
Type of film: dokument/ documentary
Direction: Krzysztof Żybura, Cezary Dec
Screeplay: Krzysztof Żybura, Cezary Dec
Cinamtography: Krzysztof Żybura
Music: Krzysztof Żybura, Cezary Dec

Description of film:
The film is about the emotions the convicts experience during their stay in the prison. It is also a flashback on their life so far.
Producer: Wołów Penitentiary Facility Supervisor: Lt. Iwona Bawolska.

Film title

Production year: 2021
Film duration: 02:29
Type of film: short documentary
Direction: Lt. M.A. Anna Ragasova
Screeplay: Lt. M.A. Anna Ragasova
Cinamtography: Lt. Roman Cimbora
Music: Free licensed music from mixkit.co

Description of film:
Tragedy at Leopoldov Prison is a short documentary film that takes viewers to the exact places where the bloodiest tragedy in Slovak prison history occurred 31 years ago. The film uses authentic footage from the prison supplemented by archival photos of the riots that took place there. The film is not only a true story, but also a tribute to those who sacrificed their health and lives in the line of duty.

History of film:
The film has never been shown publicly at any event. It was created in November 2021 as a remembrance of the tragic events and was published a social networks of the Prison Service and the Judicial Watch.

Film title

Production year: 2022
Film duration: 14:00
Type of film: documentary
Direction: Florin Brinzei
Screeplay: Florin Brinzei
Cinamtography: Florin Brinzei
Music: muzyka wykorzystana w tym filmie jest skomponowana przez Florin Brinzei 

Description of film:
The film shows a scene of the daily programme the 3 prisoners selected for work in the musical studio in Botosani Penitentiary, Romania. They show and express their talents through music and paintie.

Film title

Production year: 2022
Film duration: 03:10
Type of film: reportage/ documentary
Direction: Zielony Kadr Marta Pietrzyk
Screeplay: Zielony Kadr Marta Pietrzyk
Cinamtography: Marta i Damian Pietrzykowie
Music: Madra Rua – Cody Martin, Licencja Soundstripe

Description of film:
A passion that wings, giving freedom and satisfaction. A prison officer leaving his job behind the walls becomes a falconer.

Film title

Production year: 2022
Film duration: 06:41
Type of film: documentary
Direction: por. Marcin Mikita
Screeplay: Krystian Juśko
Cinamtography: por. Marcin Mikita
Music: por. Marcin Mikita

Description of film:
The film was made as part of the Bartnik social eadaptation program, during which convicts learn to do basic work at the hive, do inspections, feed the bees, swirl honey and obtain wax.